EVENTO "Moleskine Words"

Hola Sketchers! Feliz año Nuevo a todos!

Estamos invitados a participar en un evento organizado por la 

Libreria Internacional, Multiplaza, Escazu 

21 de enero 2015, 7-9pm

La idea es - por supuesto - dibujar durante el evento y participar en la actividad "Moleskine Words" 

Estan cordialmente invitados y esperamos verlos!
Traigan sus materiales para dibujar!

Hi Sketchers! Happy New Year to all of you!

We've been invited to participate in a promotional event for Moleskine Journals and Sketchbooks:

Libreria Internacional, Multiplaza, Escazu 

January 21st 2015, 7-9pm

The idea is to draw during the event and to participate in an activity called "Moleskine Words" 

Don't forget to bring your sketching materials!

We hope to see you there!


  1. After the event, please send photos of your group to drawingattention@urbansketchers.org and tell me how it went!

    - Tina


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