Last Saturday, 16th of Febuary, in the afternoon, we had our first USK Costa Rica sketchwalk in downtown San Jose with approximately 20 sketchers – thank you all for participating and spreading the message!!

We sketched for about one and half hours at Parque Central (cathedral, theater, surrounding buildings, fountains, and people, people, people) and then had a get-together to have a look at the drawings and to take pictures before continuing down Avenida 4 towards Iglesia La Soledad. Lovely afternoon, sunny and initially warm, then turning a little windy and chilly – so the last few of us took refuge in a little cafe at the end of the day.

Costa Rica sketchers - it’s been great to meet you all and to see you sketching. Please, check the blog for announcements of upcoming sketchwalks and we hope to sketch together soon again.

If you like, please, share your sketchwalk drawings on our Urban Sketchers Costa Rica flickr group ( ) for continuous reference.
Also, if you liked the experience, we’d like to publish some of your (happy) impressions, comments and drawings on the blog – please, send them to .

See you next time around!


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